What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient healing system that was developed based on observations of nature. Just as nature moves through seasons and storms, our bodies do the same. Through the insertion of tiny needles at specific points in the body we can guide that movement in a more harmonious way.
Unique in our modern health care world, acupuncture stands out in its ability to treat a wide spectrum of physical and emotional conditions while offering a relaxing moment of self-care.
Acupuncture truly excels in bringing awareness back into our bodies. This mind-body connection is invaluable to building the trust in our bodies necessary for an empowering and positive pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period.
What can I expect at the first appointment?
A first time acupuncture appointment begins with a thorough intake conversation. In Chinese medicine, we look at your whole being to help us determine our course of treatment. Physical symptoms, emotions and stress are all things taken into account. Acupuncturists ask questions you have probably not been asked by other health care providers.
The answers to these questions, along with taking your pulse and looking at your tongue, help us create a treatment plan specific to you. After the intake and tongue and pulse, you will receive an acupuncture treatment. Typically on the first visit, this won’t be too long as we want to learn how your responds to the treatment. Most of the time, you will walk out the door with a treatment plan including a few steps for you to do at home to improve your health and wellness.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Generally, no. The feelings generated in an acupuncture treatment vary greatly from patient to patient and practitioner to practitioner. An acupuncture needle is extremely small, hardly bigger than a human hair! People report feelings of warmth, pulsing, waving, and occasionally a mild pinching that dissipates within seconds. Once the needles are in, the sensations should be pleasant and calming. It is common to fall into a deeply relaxing state or even doze off.
If you have a had a unpleasant experience with acupuncture in the past, don’t give up! Each practitioner is different and sharing your experience with a new practitioner will help them create the right treatment for you.
Most people leave acupuncture feeling relaxed and restored and looking forward to their next visit!
Does acupuncture work?
Yes, acupuncture works for a variety of conditions from physical to mental-emotional. For best results, herbal medicine, cupping, gua sha, and/or moxibustion may be used as well. Check out the research on acupuncture’s efficacy here.