17 Aug Empower your pregnancy with acupuncture
“Acupuncture is the hidden gem of pregnancy self care, I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t do it.” -first time mama Acupuncture is a great way to support a healthy pregnancy. An experienced acupuncturist can help you diminish aches and pains, alleviate common pregnancy annoyances, and prepare your body for birth. Here are the answers to some common questions about prenatal acupuncture: What pregnancy related conditions can acupuncture alleviate? Nausea Constipation Heartburn Pubic pain Back pain Headaches Carpal tunnel Insomnia Anxiety Depression Sinusitis Itching Edema What are the benefits of prenatal and postpartum acupuncture? Reduce stress Diminish pain Build trust in body Prepare for labor Optimize fetal position Speed recovery Promote healthy milk supply When are the best times to get prenatal and postpartum acupuncture? Breech presentation: ~34 weeks or at discovery of position Labor preparation: 35 weeks Postpartum nourishment: Begin 2-4 weeks postpartum Pain: at onset Stress: anytime Wellness: anytime Many people choose to seek out regular prenatal acupuncture for their entire pregnancy, others from 30 weeks onwards, and some just for labor preparation treatments at the end of pregnancy. An acupuncturist with expertise in pregnancy will help you design the right treatment plan for your goals. Depending on your health and stage in pregnancy, your acupuncturist may also recommend adjunctive therapies or alternatives to acupuncture. What about induction acupuncture? Many people have heard that acupuncture can help start labor. Thus, it is not uncommon for folks to request “induction acupuncture” at their first visit 40+ weeks...