08 Oct Ideal times for acupuncture in pregnancy
“Acupuncture is the hidden gem of pregnancy self care” a client recently told me at a postpartum session. Acupuncture is awesome in pregnancy but many folks often wonder when is the right time to get acupuncture in pregnancy. Here are some loose guidelines for the best times to get acupuncture in pregnancy: Labor preparation: weekly sessions beginning at 35 weeks In late pregnancy acupuncture is wonderful to prepare the body for birth. Research supports that people that have received regular acupuncture at the end of pregnancy have shorter “more timely” labors. Beginning at roughly 35 weeks into pregnancy, acupuncture helps to reduce stress and anxiety, prepare the cervix, and encourage optimal fetal positioning. Many folks enjoy acupuncture more than once a week in the last weeks of pregnancy as it helps them feel great. Others will choose to begin regular acupuncture closer to 30 weeks for the same reason. A note about induction acupuncture: Acupuncture works with your body to help prepare for birth. Acupuncture also works on a cumulative level with each additional session becoming more effective. Because many people have heard that acupuncture is helpful to start labor, it is not uncommon for folks to show up to their first acupuncture visit at 41 weeks with a medical induction on calendar only a few days later. Acupuncture may work for these folks but regular acupuncture beginning several weeks earlier is recommended to avoid being in this position. Breech presentation: 34-36 weeks, or at...